Welcome to Reception Class

I, Mrs Jackson and Mrs. Power are very pleased to welcome you to our Reception Class homepage.  We hope that this is a very enjoyable and exciting year for your child. On this page you will be able to find out about all of the different and exciting things that we are doing in our classroom.

Our aim is for your child to be happy and enjoy coming to school to discover and learn new and different things every day. One of our ways of enabling this is by us working together with yourselves to ensure that you child gets the very best from their first year in school.

If you wish to contact me you can either do so by sending me a message on Class Dojo or emailing me at s.wright@stpetersprimary.org

           Meet The Team

Mr Wright – Class Teacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL), Pediatric First Aider

Mrs. Jackson – Class LSA

Mrs Power – One-To-One LSA


Here are some pictures of our classroom

Weekly Newsletters

Each week your child will bring home a newsletter which will keep you up to date with what we have been doing that week, and also informing you of any important dates or information that you may need. You can find a digital copy of the newsletters here.

Our Core Areas Of Learning

We follow the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’ phonics programme. In the programme, children learn phonemes (sounds) and the graphemes (written letters) that represent them, and how to form the letters. Then, they read books written using only the phonemes they have learnt (and a small number of separately taught ‘tricky words’). This gives children plenty of early success and builds up their reading confidence.

We place great emphasis on learning to read (and write) in Reception Class as it the cornerstone to learning in so many areas as the children grow. We want them all to have a really strong start.

Your support at home is essential – we always bring home books that matched with our phonics level and we ask all children to read at home at least 3 times a week (every day is best!)

You can find out more about Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’ by visiting their ‘For Parents’ webpage here



A Guide To Little Wandle Letters And Sounds in Reception

How To Say The Sounds

 Literacy Tree is a complete, book-based platform for primary schools, covering all Primary English curriculum requirements, training and support. We use it as a framework to support the delivery of our communication, language and literacy skills in Reception.

In Reception we focus on the Writing Roots element of Literacy Tree. This book-based planning sequence provides the children with comprehensive curriculum coverage, engaging children to write with a clear audience and purpose. This forms the backbone of our Teach Through a Text pedagogy.


Literacy Tree is a whole-school approach that grows through St. Peter’s from Reception all the way through to Year 6. The following 2 videos will allow you to see for yourself the pedagogy behind the Literacy Tree approach and the impact that Literacy Tree has had in schools across the UK.

The Pedagogy Behind Literacy Tree


The Impact Of Literacy Tree


  • We use White Rose Mathematics in order to encourage mathematical awareness and understanding through enjoyable, game based learning.
  • We aim to give children a secure foundation in mathematics and ensure they’re prepared for Year 1 with a selection of creative, free-flow, and adult-led activities and games. We focus on concrete or ‘doing’ maths before moving to representational and abstract mathematics.


In R.E. we are following the new Religious Education Directory (RED) ‘To Know You More Clearly.’ This programme replaces the ‘Come & See’ programme that was previously taught.

The programme has six branches through which RE is taught. These branches are taught across the school, meaning that each year the children get to deepen their knowledge and understanding of each branch, enabling them to know Jesus and God more clearly.

The ‘RED – To Know You More Clearly’ programme allows the children to explore the life and teachings of Jesus through Bible stories, discussion, prayer and personal reflection and meditation. As with the rest of our curriculum, we ensure that the delivery of R.E. is through hands-on, play based learning and is presented in a style and manner that is meaningful to the children.

Our Areas of Learning

Click on the images below to find out more about each of the EYFS areas of learning, and see photographs of that learning in action.


Have You Registered Your Child For School Milk Yet?

Milk is free at school until your child turns 5. After this time you can pay for your child to continue having it.

You MUST register if you wish your child to have milk whether it is free or paid for. You can register using this link: http://www.coolmilk.com/