Welcome to the St. Peter’s Chaplaincy Team page, which is full of information, links and updates about the work that we do in our school.
Following the onset of Covid-19, the school’s Chaplaincy Team will not operate as in previous years.  Instead, each class will have its own Chaplaincy Team that will change throughout the year, in order to give each pupil an opportunity to help plan and deliver, as part of their Chaplaincy Team, Acts Of Worship (AOW) in each classroom.

St. Peter’s Whole-School Prayer

Dear God,
We want to be good followers of you in the way we behave. Please help us to:-
Share our things and share our love with everyone in our school;
Take care of each other;
Persevere with our learning and all that we do;
Encourage each other to be the best that we can be;
Treat everyone how we wish to be treated;
Endeavour to live by the Word of God;
Respect one another and the world we live in.
When we live in community we will spread your Gospel message and grow in faith together. Bless us in our efforts, Lord. Amen.

Prior to Covid-19, our CMAT (Catholic Multi-Academy Trust) schools were invited to participate in a fund-raising effort for the charity CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), whereby we were doing our best to raise funds to support the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Forest, where trees are being burned or felled at the alarming rate of the equivalent area the size of one football pitch per minute!

In the short time our pupils had to raise the money, by bringing in silver coins to place on a picture of a football pitch, our school raised £50.00, which was good!  Thank you for your support!