Catholic Life At St Peter’s Primary School
We are a family at St Peter’s and together we nurture and value our friendly and supportive ethos within the school. The school seeks to foster and encourage a Christian atmosphere and promote the Catholic Faith and a love of God. Our children are encouraged to live out their faith in everything they do.
We believe that we are a family who share the values needed to make us well rounded people who show kindness and compassion. We draw on God’s strength to guide us through our school days and we celebrate our successes. We regularly enhance our Christian lives by working together on a common goal, sometimes in groups, sometimes in classes and sometimes as a whole school. Many of these events follow the liturgical year, but others are motivated by special occasions organised within our diocese or Catholic Multi Academy Trust (CMAT). We also encourage our children to think about people less fortunate than ourselves and we respond to world events.
“The overall effectiveness of the Catholic life of the school and its provision for community cohesion are outstanding. St. Peter’s is a welcoming inclusive school where everyone is valued as a creation of God formed in His own image and likeness. The Mission of the school is a lived reality where God is at the Heart of St. Peter’s School.”
(Section 48, Denominational Inspection Report, 2015)