The governance structure at St. Peter’s is in line with directives from the St. Thomas Aquinas Multi Academy Trust. Whilst we retain our own local governing body (LGB), they are now part of a much larger organisation led by a board of directors. This board is responsible for the core functions of the trust including finance. The board delegate governance functions to the LGB who are required to report their progress to the board. Our LGB is structured in the following way:


Governor Position
Zoe Morgan Chair
Tim Underwood Vice chair
Danny Pagliari Foundation governor
Lucy Chapman Parent  governor
Libbi Wood Parent governor
Jim Dewis Parent governor

All academies are required to provide statutory information.  Please follow these links to access this information.

Statutory Information  – Memorandum of association; Articles of association; Funding agreement; Annual report and audited accounts (for last 2 years); Register of interests for the accounting officer; employees exceeding £100k

Trust Directors

Meet our governors

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Zoe Morgan – Chair

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Tim Underwood – Vice chair

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Danny Pagliari – Foundation governor

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Libbi Wood – Foundation Governor

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Jim Dewis – Parent governor

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Lucy Chapman – Parent governor