Welcome to the St. Peter’s PTFA page!

Every year we strive to bring the best of academic and extra-curricular opportunities for the children and every year we have been supported by parents like you.

Who’s who?

Chair: Lorna Atkins

Secretary: Rachael Maybury

Treasurer: Sam Roper

Contact us!


Please feel free to join our Facebook page:


Upcoming Events for 2023

Class 6 cake sale

October school disco

Class 5 cake sale

Christmas jumper day

Pj day and afterschool film

Christmas secret room

Santa visit

Christmas school disco

Ptfa meeting dates – TBC

Can you help to volunteer at events?

If you would be interested in volunteering at any of our PTFA events, please click the link below for all the information you need to fill in to become a volunteer here at St. Peter’s.

Information for volunteers – Saint Peter’s Catholic Voluntary Academy (stpetersprimary.org)

2022/2023 With your support we were able to achieve:

Kings and Queens Day

Year 6 Prom

School discos

Year 3 Stone age workshop

Mother’s and Father’s day secret room

Christmas secret room

Year 4 Romans workshop

Frozen Fridays

Break the rules day

Pj and film night

Cake Sales


Leavers hoodies for year 6

Bibles for new starters

New Nativity costumes

Budget for each class to spend to enhance curriculum

History timeline on our corridor at school

Flag pole and flags

Easter egg for every child and Easter bunny visit

 Christmas gift for every child

Selection box for every child and Santa visit

Ice cream cone for every child on last day

Bookmarks for King’s coronation

Ice poles and biscuits for sports day/ Tea, coffee and biscuits for EYFS parents meeting

Biscuits for pantomime

Help towards the repair of our pond on the field

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