Message from the Executive Head Teacher
Dear Parents/Guardians/Visitors,
This website is intended to help you discover more about the life and work of St Peter’s Catholic Voluntary Academy.
Our first aim is to help your child settle well and enjoy school. We recognise that, as a parent or guardian, you are the first educator of your child and we aim to work with you to encourage your child to begin to grow into an independent and responsible citizen.
People who visit St. Peter’s for the first time comment on how welcoming and friendly the school is. We know that children learn better if they are happy and settled. We keep good discipline by giving the children responsibilities and expecting the best from individuals.
We provide a caring, Christian atmosphere in school, valuing your child’s contributions to school life, and working in partnership with you and the parish communities in order to nurture and develop your child’s love and understanding of God.
We believe that every child has many gifts and qualities to offer. We seek to realise each child’s potential by presenting stimulating and challenging work in a variety of ways. Your child will be expected to work hard in all areas of the curriculum. Then we can celebrate their many successes and identify and help overcome any weaknesses.
We are concerned about all aspects of your child’s development and we look forward to you working with us and sharing in making this a happy and successful period in your child’s life.
Yours sincerely,
Catherine Murphy