Please book all meals in advance, online through Arbor. The latest booking for meals is must by the Sunday for the following week.
All meals must be booked even if your child is entitled to free school meals.
Please book all meals in advance, online through Arbor. The latest booking for meals is must by the Sunday for the following week.
All meals must be booked even if your child is entitled to free school meals.
Children in Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fruit daily at morning break as part of the government’s fruit for school project. Children who wish to eat a slice of toast during morning break can pay £1.25 per week, via the school shop on Arbor. All children are allowed to bring fruit and vegetables as a break time snack, not crisps, cake or biscuits.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free dinner and our Headteacher expects every family to take up this offer. Parents of older children needing information regarding free school meals entitlement should see Miss Roper, the School Office Manager. Please inform her if you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, even if your child would prefer to bring in a packed lunch as the school receives extra funding for these children.
Meals for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 currently cost £2.65 daily. Dinners should be paid online, using Arbor – our cashless payment facility and need to be pre-booked by midnight Sunday of the week before they are taken.
Packed Lunch
Children who choose to have a packed lunch should bring them in a sealed and named plastic lunch box, which is stored in the classroom. Glass containers or fizzy drinks should not be brought into school. Please do not send nuts into school, either as spread or as a snack, as we have some children in school with nut allergies. We do not allow the children to have sweets in their lunchboxes.
Do you qualify for a free school meal?
Parents in receipt of certain benefits, allowances or lower income may qualify to receive free school meals. Please pick up a form from the school office or call Free School Meals direct on 0116 305 6588 / 0116 305 7093.
Cool Milk is in support of Change4life, just go online at
School milk is free of charge for under-fives and subsidised for children aged five and older. All children that wish to receive school milk must register regardless of whether they are aged under or over 5. Please register online at
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