Our aspiration for pupils learning R.E. at St Peter’s:
RE Curriculum
At St. Peter’s we follow the ‘Come and See’ Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme. ‘The programme has been developed to respond to the needs of children today in their faith journey, to enable them to grow in their religious literacy and understanding in a way that is coherent with current educational principles.’ (Rt. Rev. Peter Doyle, Bishop of Northampton, 2012)
Come & See
The “Come and See” topics are displayed in the Welcome Area. The children can identify that a common theme runs throughout the school. We aim to make the teaching of Come & See as engaging as possible for the children through the use of drama, art, music and visits to places of worship.
“I like RE because I like to be kind and RE teaches to be kind.” – Cody
“I like RE because it’s really fun to learn about Jesus.” – Penny
“I like finding out about different things that happened to Jesus.” – Emily
“I like finding out about Jesus.” – Freddie
‘Come & See’ Parents Information
Each term we look at 3 different topics as part of the ‘Come & See’ R.E. programme. We also look at 2 other world faiths during the year as part of the programme (Judaism in the Autumn Term, and another faith in the Summer Term).
Below you will find a link to our Parent Handbook which will give you information all about RE at St. Peter’s.
Each term there will be a ‘Come & See’ letter outlining the R.E. topics that your child’s class will looking at that term, and important liturgical dates during that term. You can find a digital copy of that letter by clicking on the link below.
If you would like a paper copy of the Parent Handbook or any of the ‘Come & See’ Parent letters please let us know.
‘Come & See’ Award
The ‘Come & See’ award was launched to celebrate the outstanding pieces of work that are produced by our children in their RE lessons. At Diocesan meetings the quality of the work of our children has often been commented on, and we felt that we wanted to celebrate this with the children. During Achievement Assembly at the beginning of each month, a recipient of this award is announced. Teacher’s nominate outstanding pieces of RE work that they have seen during lessons, and a winner is decided following discussions and looking at the work that has been nominated. Each recipient receives a certificate. This is an award which we are very proud of.