At St. Peter’s we value experiences outside school. We feel that they enhance the lives of the children and their education. They give staff an opportunity to interact with children in a different environment and they are also fun!

Staff regularly organise day and half day trips to support the curriculum. These trips provide stimulus for learning and enhance school life. Photographs and accounts of school trips are added to the class pages.

Permission for ‘category 1’ visits (explained in the document below) is collected from parents annually in the form of an electronic signature. Permission for residential visits, visits which incur a cost and visits out of school hours will be sought individually prior to each visit.

Year 4 are offered a three day residential trip to Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire. They enjoy a program of outdoor activities and team building experiences. This enjoyable trip prepares them for the longer residential in Year 6.

Year 6 are offered an exciting four day residential to a Conkers. They are given high quality instruction in a number of adventurous activities. They gain self esteem, confidence and teamwork skills.

Category 1 visits

Residential visits