Here you will find information about our curriculum planning at St Peter’s. 

We have worked incredibly hard to plan a challenging curriculum, based on skill progression. Our pupils will build both their substantive and disciplinary knowledge in order to store more in their long term memory. 

We want our pupils to love learning and be hungry for more!

St Peter’s Catholic Voluntary Academy – Curriculum Rationale:

At St. Peter’s, our aim is to offer a vibrant, coherent, broad and balanced curriculum which promotes deep learning. It will build on background knowledge and inspire pupils.

Children will be able to link their learning to the ‘bigger picture’ as well as gaining the depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding to fit them for the workplace and the wider world.

Continuous professional development for staff will focus on enhancing subject knowledge. Our curriculum will inspire them, not instruct them.

Finally, our aspiration is that our curriculum encourages pupils to open their hearts and minds to follow Christ.

Our pupil offer: 

In addition to our classroom based curriculum we will offer our children a range of enrichment experiences, designed to deepen their learning, inspire their minds and enhance their enjoyment of education. 


Art and Design


Design and Technology

EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)




Literacy – Phonics

Literacy – Reading and Writing

Physical Education

Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE)
